Wednesday, June 10, 2009

So called new parenting techniques

...."Spare the rod and spoil the child".....that used to be something my mother enjoyed reciting to me,and trust me she never spoiled the child...I got my butt whooped countless times. I even got mercilessly flogged for CUTTING HER FLOWERS!!! I heard a lady say "I don't whoop my kids, I beat them up"...I laughed my brains out. And then a woman gave her son "time-out",after he had rudely insulted his grandmother who came to visit.WHAT!..I nearly lost my mind TIME OUT???!a Nigerian parent give that as a punishment for stupidity??? whatever happened to that back hand slap you give immediately a child acts like a horse....But yeah time out for this boy was for him to spend time in his room playing video games alone..excuse my french..WHAT THE HECK!....

...Another annoying story....I was in a house and this "christian brought up child" stole over $100 from my wallet....he had the fear, and please someone imagine for me what the parents did. They explained how children can be influenced and how he needs nurturing....WHAT??? An 11 year old boy stole my hard earned money to buy candy worth $5...ok where's the change, that's just EVIL. And what more you would enjoy the punishment better...they did NOTHING!!! nothing ohhhh...but they sha warned him not to do it again and the next week he stole the only $20 I had left....Tell me if that first incident was followed by a "nice hot cup of tea" like my dad used to call it, would that have repeated itself...of course not.

...It still gets better...I noticed that most Nigerian parents have to offer treats to their children for them to behave properly...ehn...maka gini??? "Oh that's my boy...give mommy a hug" First off they need to be told one thing a million and one times before someone feels up to doing it. A lady once told me of how she gave her daughter "face the wall" punishment and the girl took the opportunity to make her masterpiece on the wall. So that punishment is a waste of time...when she messes up, 3 quick knocks on the head can do the trick. And I still know another lady whose daughter was acting like a fish and when she had finished misbehaving the mother held her and was comforting her...for WHAT??? acting a fool??? I know that mothers are meant to be caring...don't get me wrong my mother is VERY caring but she would first flog me real good with her left hand and then if I showed "repentance", she would comfort me with the right...and as you can see I turned out fine....

...These children who are not given checks because we are in the "21st century" are the ones who would end up calling 911 on their parents and become a menace to you and everyone else. You can't teach an old dog new tricks..if he ain't got it before, he sure ain't gon' get it now. So start now...even if they are still in the's never too early, you only stand to benefit in the long run...remember..."Spare the rod and spoil the child"


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Well said. Kids need to be smacked where necessary, that way they learn how to behave themselves and construct their sentences respectfully. Yes not all our culture's spectacular, but those in-tune with God's word should stay in's not everything we need to copy from the oyinbo

  3. i beleive in God the creator of heaven and earth, but i think my God on earth was my mother. the fear of her was the beginning of wisdom. as such her rules and regulations were words of the lord. i turned out to be a 7A1 student in my secondary school, a 2:1 student in my first degree days and a distiction students in my M.Sc inorganic chemistry, all done within the defined course region without a carry over. i am currently a PhD student preparing for my defence, all but the wisdom and norturing of my mum. you dare not come home with a third position, cos she will ask if there was any class the 1st and the 2nd attended without you! today i say thank you mum hope you could still do it again for my search of a good job. the key is never to spare a child. whip him silly and he becomes the solomon of this time. thanks maya for the note. you remain my love. Guess why your mum liked me so much as a child! cos she was just like my they are all pinguines

  4. Maya Baby, Juicy, Juicy, Juicy!!!! Pertinent issues are getting ironed out & am loving it! ( not McDonald's. LOL) Osang
