Wednesday, May 12, 2010

just a little amebo....

AMEBO...... i don't know where that word was derived from.Its a word used to refer to an individual who does not mind his/her business.I am guilty of that crime especially with issues concerning my personal friends and family,its my government right to be an amebo,keep/stick my nose in their business whether they like it or not.BUT an being amebo in issues that have nothing to do with you or your forefathers is ILLEGAL...and big CRIME.. imagine,Mr A is having a headache,i jobless would go to the store to be Advil to drink on his behalf..some may laugh after reading this but seriously WTH???....that's what i compare AMEBOISM too.Its an epidemic that has eaten deep into the fabric of many people.They talk what they are not sure of ,even when they are sure of what they say,their tone is just pure evilness.

The bible in 1 Thessalonians 4 :11-12 "make it your AMBITION to lead a quiet life,to MIND YOUR BUSINESS and......". Even God himself doesn't appreciate the act of therefore without making judgement amebos, if don't repent before time,there is an allotted space for y'all in hell. lol
Quit making other people's business your business,Stop drinking other people aspirin/Tylenol when u have no headache,overdose go KILL YOU ONE DAY....

God is good

love Maya C


if you happen to be an amebo reading this and you don't like what you just read..jump off the any bridge near you....ha

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Crazy Kind Of love!!!

The other day i watched this movie (a yoruba movie),i cant remember the name but this is a summary of the most annoying movie that i have ever watched and it inspired today's gist. Omotola was the girls name,so unlucky to have fallen in love with the most ancient,and archaic guy ever by the name Kola.He treated her life his toy and he reasons to back his action was because he disvirgined her ,so automatically he has full ownership of her life even putting a piece of metal on her finger!!.Kola was so obsessed with her that he made his schedule to fit hers so he could follow where ever she went just to be sure she would not cheat on him.Following her did not satisfy his obsession he took her to the native doctor and they both foolishly made oath and swore that they would both die if anyone breaks the oath.That was my climax in that movie,i almost wanted to put my hands thorugh the screen to give both of them some juicy knocks.But thank God its just a movie!!!

It is no longer love, when obsession comes around the corner,no need to stick around claiming that a man tracks your every movement does that because he loves you.He does not believe you love him until you make an oath and swear in the presence of some scary looking idols...even if that was the last man on earth i would love to remain single KINI BIG DEAL!!!.Imagine a guy who prank calls his girl once a week,just to make sure she tells people she is taken and is not cheating on him.I call such guys LOSERS!!!

It just breaks my heart to see what desperation can do to some ladies,makes them act like their minds have been blocked.A lady went under the knife to remove her nipples because her man said he would prefer her nippleless!!,at the end of the day,she found out her man was gay.

I have heard several stories about women who give all their life savings to a men that promised to marry and love them. At the end of the day ,when the wind blows and the fowls nyash is exposed they cry saying"he deceived me".Love is not stupid or blind according to my mother ,open your eyes and see so it would be too late for you

Ladies,you are beautiful and strong,dont let anyone put you in pressure to do any stupid thing that you know on a regular is i said and let these words go with you"LOVE AINT STUPID AND BLIND" love has contacts and glasses...binoculars sharp!!lol

Thursday, June 11, 2009

I must be an americana

....Is there anything more annoying than seeing people who are ashamed of who they are!.I have so much respect for the chinese and mexicans ,they speak their language anywhere and anytime.They are proud of who they are speak it like it's the best language on earth. Check this out, I went to the store with a friend of mine a couple of years ago, She acted like she didn't know me and walked away because I was on the phone talking with my father, "Maya Maya please!!! you are embarrasing me with your local accent" those were her words...coming from a chick who grew up in Nnewi/Nssuka IMAGINE THAT!no insult to people who live there. She had more grounding in Nigeria than even myself but if you hear her speak?? It's not as if her accent has automatically become American, infact it sounds more like Chinese to me, no offence. Yet it's my voice that is embarrasing, once again...IMAGINE THAT!!! This one is not even bad oh...a Nigerian lady living abroad came back home to visit and she came to my my grand-mother's house to greet the old woman. The lady said "Mama hi!" With all seriousness jokes. HI?? To my grand ma who is more than 80 years old...of what importance is it trying to show off to someone who does not appreciate whether or not you live in a palace or pit? And the most perplexing part was she seemed to have forgotten how to speak the Igbo language because she'd answer questions put in Igbo with English and be like "sorry?", "excuse me?", "pardon?" when she "did not" understand. Tell me my good people, the possibility of a fully mature, concrete, woman, born and bred on the soil of my village Umuahia...not even Port-Harcourt oh, talk less of Lagos...metamorphosed into an Oyibo overnight and even went as far as "forgetting" her native tongue after 2 short years. WOW!!! It still baffles me oh.

....Sometimes I wish people can see this thing the way I do and I even wish that I could speak my own language because if I could...hmm...If people think you sound wierd when you talk, does it occur to you that they also sound wierd? Everyone in this world has an accent, every single person from my grand ma in the village to the Queen of England and even the President of America. Don't get me can go with the concept of "when you're in Rome you act like the Romans" or speak as the case may be, but when you're at home, you are very free to be yourself. Prooving to people that you have crossed the boarders by speaking so that no one understands you would only make you an article for amusement because I know my people...just like me, "they don't send". If they aren't laughing in your face, they'd do it behind you.

....At this point I'm sure you get the whole message, so excuse me if you can't understand me or my accent embarrases you... I'm just a Nigerian girl with a high self esteem and how my voice sounds doesn't make me who I am...You understand??...:)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

So called new parenting techniques

...."Spare the rod and spoil the child".....that used to be something my mother enjoyed reciting to me,and trust me she never spoiled the child...I got my butt whooped countless times. I even got mercilessly flogged for CUTTING HER FLOWERS!!! I heard a lady say "I don't whoop my kids, I beat them up"...I laughed my brains out. And then a woman gave her son "time-out",after he had rudely insulted his grandmother who came to visit.WHAT!..I nearly lost my mind TIME OUT???!a Nigerian parent give that as a punishment for stupidity??? whatever happened to that back hand slap you give immediately a child acts like a horse....But yeah time out for this boy was for him to spend time in his room playing video games alone..excuse my french..WHAT THE HECK!....

...Another annoying story....I was in a house and this "christian brought up child" stole over $100 from my wallet....he had the fear, and please someone imagine for me what the parents did. They explained how children can be influenced and how he needs nurturing....WHAT??? An 11 year old boy stole my hard earned money to buy candy worth $5...ok where's the change, that's just EVIL. And what more you would enjoy the punishment better...they did NOTHING!!! nothing ohhhh...but they sha warned him not to do it again and the next week he stole the only $20 I had left....Tell me if that first incident was followed by a "nice hot cup of tea" like my dad used to call it, would that have repeated itself...of course not.

...It still gets better...I noticed that most Nigerian parents have to offer treats to their children for them to behave properly...ehn...maka gini??? "Oh that's my boy...give mommy a hug" First off they need to be told one thing a million and one times before someone feels up to doing it. A lady once told me of how she gave her daughter "face the wall" punishment and the girl took the opportunity to make her masterpiece on the wall. So that punishment is a waste of time...when she messes up, 3 quick knocks on the head can do the trick. And I still know another lady whose daughter was acting like a fish and when she had finished misbehaving the mother held her and was comforting her...for WHAT??? acting a fool??? I know that mothers are meant to be caring...don't get me wrong my mother is VERY caring but she would first flog me real good with her left hand and then if I showed "repentance", she would comfort me with the right...and as you can see I turned out fine....

...These children who are not given checks because we are in the "21st century" are the ones who would end up calling 911 on their parents and become a menace to you and everyone else. You can't teach an old dog new tricks..if he ain't got it before, he sure ain't gon' get it now. So start now...even if they are still in the's never too early, you only stand to benefit in the long run...remember..."Spare the rod and spoil the child"

Yay !....let the gist begin....

.........Let the gist begin....My friends and family SOMETIMES call me "AMEBO" cos I like to investigate and get to the root of issues even if it does concern me(hehe).....well my latest "ameboness" led me to this unbiased discovery and conculsion. Please readers NO VEX....this conculsion is based on what i feel about "some men". I had a friend who referred to me as a"man hater"but unfortunately I'm not ,I just don't stand men who are decietful liars. My endless gist about the specie ...a few good ones exist but 80%..Chineke God!!!, are the definition of the word EVIL..Tell me why in this world a man has a wife yet in public he calls heraunty,cousin,church member, sister, classmate....the endless names used to insult innocent women who think they have human beings as husbands/fiances...*sigggh*......this guy called his wife a 'church member' when I asked if she was his girlfriend because I saw her picture on his phone screensaver. His reply made my antennas beep! (I know it was not my I asked if I could look at his camera....come see pictures mennnh....with the church lady ooh....CHEI!!!.....that poor heart goes out to her...I wonder if marriage vows mean anything to some men
.....The other guy i know...supposed to be a christian brother...infact plays drums in church.He appeared like the prefect nice brother.He pulled my sisters number,and even asked her on a date severally,confessed his undying 'likeness for her'. We both thought he was charming and nice....but all our nice thoughts were slapped on our ears and faces when he casually told her he was married and had a child..!!!! WHAT? wasn't a big deal as long as his bacground wife didn't now.His saving grace was that i lived many miles away from him or else what happened in 1960 would repeat it self(lol).Even among our christian community we still have the wolf in sheep clothings...

*Signs to watch out for*

- He doesn't invite you around his friends, company events, and other social activities

- Deletes text messages after reading them

- Never takes some calls in front of you,if he does It is always a 6 sec conversation with a ' I'l call u back at the end'

...please my dear ladies watch out...I'm telling you, some of you need to put some recording devices on your men to hear the horrible names the call you cos they want to talk to another girl....For those of you who are blessed with the good ones keep them well and add them in your prayers .....cheers yall